Spanish educational system

Spanish educational system

Education in Spain has been a big thing for the last 40 years. By law, a kid  has to attend school from the age of 6 until 16. By the time they have finished these mandatory 10 years, they are required to have attained a minimum level in Mathematics, World History and...


THE AMAZING LIFE OF SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER My mother and my grandmother were born in the village of Javier. Saint Francis´ birth place. Some time ago, I asked my mom to write about her love for Saint Francis Xavier. Here is what she handed me. I love it!! I spent all...
Pamplona´s Cathedral

Pamplona´s Cathedral

At the highest point in Pamplona (Spain), we find the magnificent city Cathedral, an amazing temple from the 15th Century, consecrated in honor of the Holy Mary. Her name is Santa María la Real (The Royal Holy Mary) The façade is probably not the most impressive part...
My Aunt was a Witch!

My Aunt was a Witch!

When we think about a witch, what normally comes to mind is an ugly, old woman with a wart on the tip of her nose, casting spells over a boiling pot. At least, this is the way Hollywood has portrayed them. It is 100% different from what we consider a witch in the...
The 5  best movies to understand Spain

The 5 best movies to understand Spain

Here you can find 5 movies that will help you understand Spanish history. I have organized them in historical order, rather than by date of release. Click on the links to watch the trailer or an excerpt from the movie. Movie #1   EL CID If anybody from Spain sees that...
Democracy in Spain

Democracy in Spain

The word democracy comes from the ancient Greek word demokratia, “demos” means people + “kratos” means rule. So, democracy means a government ruled by the people. Here in Spain, Democracy is a new word for us. We have only lived in a democracy since 1975.  ...