Spanish Siesta

Spanish Siesta

There is a national sport here in Spain that everybody loves, it is what we call Spanish siesta, or as Americans say POWER NAP.   The origin of the word siesta comes from the sixth hour of the ancient Roman calendar, they called it “sextum” and it marked the...
The amazing French Basque Coast

The amazing French Basque Coast

La Cote Basque is considered as one of the most beautiful places in France. Just to locate yourself, I am talking about the southern coast line in the west part of France. It stretches from the river mouth of “La Nive” river, near Bayonne, all the way south to the...
Really Too late to Eat?

Really Too late to Eat?

One of the things that shocks most of the tourists when visiting Spain is how late we eat.   Spain’s normal lunch time is at 2:00pm. Most of our restaurants will not be open before 1:30pm. At night we sit at the table no earlier than 9:00pm. I know that going to...
Basques drink from “botas”

Basques drink from “botas”

If I ask you to mentally picture a Basque, it will probably come to you an image of a man dressed in white and red, drinking some wine from a wine skin. Well I guess it is mostly true. The outfit is correct, especially on festive days, but the wine skin (we call it...
Now I can see

Now I can see

Every year at the end of December, I like to go over the highlights and the shadows of the year that is about to end. Guess what!  This 2021 will definitely not be in the top ten years of my life. There have been many more shadows than lights.   We started 2021...
History of Nativity Scenes in Spain

History of Nativity Scenes in Spain

The first Nativity scenes date back to the second century, obviously second century after Christ as they represent the birth of Christ. We find this first Holy Family scene painted at the catacombs in Priscila (Italy)     We have to wait till early XIII century...