HOLA! welcome to our journal.
In this magazine, we want to share with you a little bit of our land. Our intention is to invite as many friends as possible to write about Spain, so we have different points of view. We would love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave us your oppinion. And if you like any of our articles, please share them!
Debunking the Myth: Do Spaniards Really Have a Lisp?
The question of whether us, Spaniards from Spain, have a lisp when we speak is a topic that has sparked curiosity and debate for centuries.While some may believe that the Spanish accent is characterized by a lisp, others argue that this is merely a misconception.Who...
The Evolution of Sacred Space: A Spiritual Odyssey Through Spanish Architecture
Let me take you on a voyage through time and faith as I try to unravel the architectural tapestry that reflects humanity's evolving perceptions of the divine. From the introspective embrace of Romanesque art, where God resides within stone walls, to the Gothic...
The Transformation of Spain’s Flag: A Journey Through History and Symbolism
Red and yellow are the colors of the Spanish flag, to be more precise it is red, gualda, and red. Gualda is a plant (reseda luteola) that grows in Mediterranean countries and was once widely used to dye fabrics in a deep yellow, almost golden color. In fact, some...
Basking in the Spanish Sun: A Relaxed Dive into Renewable Energy
Spain, with its sun-kissed landscapes and windy hills, has lately been making waves in the renewable energy scene. As the siestas stretch lazily under the Iberian sun, so does Spain's commitment to harnessing the power of renewable resources. Picture this: You're...
The Roman connection: Are the Spanish steps really Spanish?
Chances are that you have visited Rome. Probably you have tossed a coin into the Trevi Fountain, and your jaw has dropped marveling at the Colosseum's grandeur. What about the famous Spanish steps? Did you climb up the 135 steps? These are some of the must-do when...
Savoring Spain in Christmas: A Sweet Journey through Marzipan, Turrón de Alicante, and Turrón de Jijona
Annie Lennox used to sing "Sweet dreams are made of this...." I know she was not thinking about Xmas candies, but I guess I don´t care, Christmas is here and this song has just jumped to my mind.😂 If you've ever been to Spain during this festive season, you have for...
The Moorish Influence in Spain: A Tapestry of History Woven into Modern Life.
Spain, is known for its vibrant culture and rich history, bears the indelible marks of diverse civilizations that have shaped its identity. One of the most profound influences on Spain was the Moorish era (711 - 1492), a period that left an enduring legacy on my home...
Semana Santa in Spain: A Celebration of Faith, Tradition, and Culinary Delights
Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is one of the most important religious celebrations in Spain. It takes place in the week leading up to Easter and is celebrated in cities and towns throughout the country. During Semana Santa, parades and processions are held to commemorate...
The Spanish Naming Tradition: Two Surnames, One Cultural Legacy
In Spain, we all have two surnames, with the father's surname listed first, followed by the mother's surname, by the way, since the year 2000, you can register your kids two last names in the order you prefer. This naming convention is known as "apellido compuesto"...
Unraveling the Delicious Mystery of Tortilla de Patata: A Culinary Journey Through Spain
The history of the tortilla de patata (Potato Omelet) is a topic of much debate and speculation, with many different theories about how this iconic Spanish dish came to be. The most popular theory is that the tortilla de patata was created in the Basque country during...
The end of Spanish Monarchy? Challenges and Possibilities in a Changing World
Before I start with this post, I want to make clear where I stand regarding Spanish Monarchy, so please don´t take it as this is the only point of view, this is just my POV. I personally support 100% our Royal family, this doesn´t mean that I believe they have things...
Tipping in Spain: Navigating the Unwritten Rules of Gratuity
It was 1994 the first time I visited Ney York City with Ainhoa, at that time my girlfriend, today my wife. Just two kids with not much money in their pockets. We had a creepy room in a so called “hotel”. That type of hotel where they rent the other rooms by the hour....
Two Cheek Kisses: Unveiling the Endearing Spanish Greeting Tradition
Marylin Monroe sang “a kiss on the hand may be quiet continental….” That might have worked for the blond bombshell of the golden era in Hollywood, but if she would have visited Spain she would have been kissed twice, one on each cheek. The tradition of kissing on...
Time to get cosy: : A Blanket Legacy Woven with Spanish Tradition
Normally at the end of February we get the coldest days of the year here in Northern Spain. In-fact, a huge cold front arriving from the North Pole is about to hit Western Europe. It is time to stay home drinking a cup of hot chocolate while reading a good book under...
Welcome to the Camino
You know by now how much I love the CAMINO. This pilgrimage is bigger than us, it is a way to reconnect with our ancestors. You must understand that if you have any European DNA in your blood somebody from your family has walked this path before you. The knowledge of...
Camino Tour Questions
Let me write this week about the CAMINO TOUR. As this tour is the one that welcomes more questions, I will try to answer this week all of them, and next week I will describe the tour. If you have any questions regarding the Camino tour, please do not hesitate to...
The last post has brought many questions about my tours for this year, so let me go over them and let´s see if I can answer all the questions. Let´s start with the PRIVATE TOUR. What are these? If you are a group of at least 6 people, I can organize a made to measure...
2022: A Year of Ups and Downs, from Global Events to Personal Milestones
2022 WHAT A YEAR! This has really been an emotional roller-coaster. We all thought that the world was upside-down when COVID hit in 2020 and 2021, then Putin came in 2022 to let us know that he could shake things even harder. He has decided to start WWIII on his...
To be born in Spain: From Bethlehem to Modern Spain, The Journey of Childbirth
Baby Jesus has just been born, MERRY CHRISTMAS! I cannot imagine how giving birth to a baby must have been two thousand years ago. According to the Bible baby Jesus was born in a stable, so I assume that there must have not been a very hygienic situation. The...
The Extravagant Royal Wedding of 1660: Louis XIV and María Teresa’s Spectacle
My last two posts have been kind of dense talking about separatism and the uncertain future of the EU. In this new article I want to go lighter, or let’s say fancier… Let me invite you to a Royal wedding. If I ask you to think about an over-the-top Royal wedding, it...
The Catalonian Secession: A Complex Web of Consequences for Europe
There are a couple of unanswered questions that come from last week`s post. What will happen if Catalunya secedes from Spain? What will happen to Spain and Europe if they say goodbye to Spain? The answer to these questions is not easy, nobody can read that crystal...
Catalonia’s Quest for Independence: Unveiling the Money Trail and Its Impact on Spain and Europe
My intention with this journal is to share my love for Spain and its culture. I always approach my articles from a non-judgmental point of view, but on this one, I know I am not going to be neutral. So please do not keep on reading if you are looking for just facts,...
San Sebastian’s Iconic Handrail: A Detailed Look at a Magnificent Landmark
This 2022 I had the pleasure of working many days in the magnificent city of San Sebastian and I even had time to stroll in the city taking time to focus on small details. San Sebastian´s handrail The most iconic symbols of the city of San Sebastian are the Concha Bay...
Magic, Witches, and Superstitions: Northern and Southern Beliefs in Spain’s Diverse Culture
Spain is filled with superstitions, and weird traditions. Let me share with you some of the spooky ones we do over here.
Flamenco: The Fiery Soul of Spain’s Multicultural Melting Pot
If there is an art form that represents Spain, that has to be the Flamenco. The essence of flamenco is passion, emotion and a lot of “duende”. You might wonder what on earth is “duende”. Well, if we translate it directly to English, it means Elf, but it really has...
Happy Father’s day: A Tribute to Saint Joseph, the Patron of Silence
Here in Spain, we celebrate Father’s Day on March 19th. It is the day your toddler brings from school the most beautiful paper tie that she has painted with her hands and expects you to wear it the next day to the office. Me as a dad I must confess that I am a...
The Sweet Journey: Exploring Spain’s Most Delectable Chocolate Experiences
Last year I wrote an article talking about “Churros” and where my favorite churro places are. One good friend has asked me to write one post talking about chocolate. So here I go, this time it is not going to be about hot chocolate, the one that you deep the churros...
Covid Update in Spain- February
Every three months I try to write an update on the COVID situation here in Spain. The vaccination rate is going super well, we have 86% of the population with the double shot and 51% with the buster. Starting this week people with health issues will get their 4th and...
Don´t touch my Bulls!
One of my first traveling memories has to be the 8 boring hours that it took to drive from Pamplona to Benidorm, a city by the Mediterranean Sea where my grandparents had a small apartment, the place where my family used to spend one month every summer. That...
Just love somebody
It is almost February 14th ,Valentine’s day, so might as well talk about love or at least about love related issues in the Basque Country. Let me remind you about the story behind Valentine's day. We need to go back in time to the 3rd century when in the Roman...
Spanish Siesta
There is a national sport here in Spain that everybody loves, it is what we call Spanish siesta, or as Americans say POWER NAP. The origin of the word siesta comes from the sixth hour of the ancient Roman calendar, they called it “sextum” and it marked the...
The amazing French Basque Coast
La Cote Basque is considered as one of the most beautiful places in France. Just to locate yourself, I am talking about the southern coast line in the west part of France. It stretches from the river mouth of “La Nive” river, near Bayonne, all the way south to the...
Really Too late to Eat?
One of the things that shocks most of the tourists when visiting Spain is how late we eat. Spain’s normal lunch time is at 2:00pm. Most of our restaurants will not be open before 1:30pm. At night we sit at the table no earlier than 9:00pm. I know that going to...
Basques drink from “botas”
If I ask you to mentally picture a Basque, it will probably come to you an image of a man dressed in white and red, drinking some wine from a wine skin. Well I guess it is mostly true. The outfit is correct, especially on festive days, but the wine skin (we call it...
Now I can see
Every year at the end of December, I like to go over the highlights and the shadows of the year that is about to end. Guess what! This 2021 will definitely not be in the top ten years of my life. There have been many more shadows than lights. We started 2021...
History of Nativity Scenes in Spain
The first Nativity scenes date back to the second century, obviously second century after Christ as they represent the birth of Christ. We find this first Holy Family scene painted at the catacombs in Priscila (Italy) We have to wait till early XIII century...
My life as a Tour guide – Vol. 4
In this series of my adventures and misadventures as a tour guide I try to share some of the “fun” moments I have encountered in my 20 years as a guide. As I have done in “My life as a tour guide” volumes 1, 2 and 3, I will change the names of my guests in order to...
The best churros in Spain
When in Spain you need to try churros. It is a humble fried dough topped with sugar, never cinnamon, that is the Mexican way, also good, but not the Spanish way. It is said that churros were created by shepherds who spend long times isolated in the mountains...
The art of SOBREMESA
So, what on earth is a SOBREMESA? It literally means “on top of the table”. But what it really means, is about the tradition we have to talk over the lunch table after a big meal. This fun conversation can go up to 4 hours, or maybe until dinner time. As you...
Thanksgiving Special
One of the treasured memories from the time I lived in the USA ?? has to be Thanksgiving. You have to understand that for us, Europeans, this celebration is just something we watched on TV. According to Hollywood, Thanksgiving is either the weekend to present your...
Covid in Spain
I personally think that Spain is doing pretty well with the vaccination process against COVID 19. At this point we have 80% of the population vaccinated with two doses. The third one (the booster) has already started and 90% of our population who are over 75 years...
Jamon Serrano, Spain at its best
Jamón (ham), is probably, not the first thing that pops in your brain when you think about Spanish food. You might think about PAELLA, or TAPAS, some people will think about WINE or SANGRIA. But trust in me, once you try our ham, you will be hooked for life. ...
Bilbao is a miracle
In the 1980’s the city of Bilbao was a total disaster, not the kind of city you wanted to visit. Incredibly high unemployment rates, street violence, drug dealing in every corner and to top all of these, ETA (the now extinct Basque terrorist band) embraced Bilbao for...
The 5 best San Sebastian Tapas bars
When we talk about food tourism, to many people the first destination that comes to their mind is San Sebastian. It is the city in the world with more Michelin stars per capita. You have probably heard about Arzak or Berasategui… But if you don’t have 300€ to spend in...
Café Iruña in Pamplona
At the end of XIX century Pamplona was a small town ready to grow. The economy was boosting, modern times were coming, new ideas spread coming from Europe. It was the moment to watch and be watched. This is the moment when fancy cafes all around Europe were created as...
My life as a Tour guide – Vol. 3
I have never been so close to have a heart attack while guiding.
This time I am sharing withyou the day I guided the KnIghts of the light…
And yes it was weird.
The Bullfighting controversy.
I was born in Spain in the 1970's , General Franco was still the dictator of Spain. His administration controlled almost everything, specially they controlled the TV. So growing up, there were just two things to watch. It was either soccer or bullfights. Today I will...
The 5 perfect classical music albums
Classical music has the power to transport us to any place in the world or to any time in history. It can also transform our mood. Some pieces help us concentrate, others appease us, and yet others reinvigorate us. Let me share with you my ultimate Playlist of...
How to eat tapas in COVID times
All around the world now it is fashionable to go to tapas bars, but guess what!! It all started here in the Basque Country and Navarra. Tapas, or “pinchos” as we say in the Basque Country, is not just food, it is so much more. Lonely Planet has said that San Sebastián...
The Camino is a very special Road
I have seen pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela walking right in front of my parents’ doorway since I was a kid. In fact, the short walk from my parents’ home to my high-school is on the Camino to Santiago. I have shared my daily morning walks to school...
My life as a tour guide. Vol. 2
As you can imagine, when tour guides get together we “never” talk about our clients… Well maybe a little bit once in a while. Here are some anecdotes of my life as a tour guide! I have changed the names and nationalities of my guests. This time I am going to share a...
San Sebastian, the Pearl of the Basque Country
If you ask me to choose one beach in Spain I would have to say “La Concha” in San Sebastian. In fact the Travellers’ Choice Awards has selected it as one of the top 20 most beautiful beaches in the world. San Sebastian’s beach has to have something special because it...
No means NO
One of the things that shocks most of the tourists when they come to the Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona is that although there is a lot of alcohol involved in the party, there is almost no violence. Locals have always been proud of this. The vibe in town is...
The bullfighter’s dress is a piece of art
Summer is already here, and it is the time when all around Spain we celebrate bull festivals. No matter how small the village is, for sure there will be a bull related festivity to honor the local Saint. It might be the world famous running with bulls or just a...
My life as a tour guide – Vol. 1
As you can imagine, when tour guides get together we “never” talk about our clients… Well maybe a little bit once in a while. Here are some anecdotes of my life as a tour guide! I have changed the names and nationalities of my guests. In four days we should have...
Understanding Spain before Guernica
Our article last week has arised many questions. I always say that the Guernica painting is a very complex work of art that touches each person on a different level. In order to go deeper in the understanding of the paintingI have put together a list of books and...
Guernica the ultimate Anti War Icon
Before getting into Guernica, the painting, let me give you a short introduction to the worlds political climate. It was April 26th 1937, it was the middle of the Spanish Civil War. The country was divided in two political sides, the Republicans (the liberal party)...
Basque Country based books
Summer is coming, and we are finally going to take some days off. It has been two years without visiting the beach ( I hate COVID). This is normally the time of the year when I read the most. I love laying my towel on the sand and letting myself go in the tales...
Sangria is a must in Spain
Spring has arrived in Spain, the days are becoming longer and temperatures are beginning to rise. It is the time of the year to welcome friends at home, and you want to welcome them with a fresh glass of sangria. Whenever you visit Spain, you might think that...
Puente la Reina a bridge in the Camino
The Camino to Santiago has always been a bridge for cultures. Starting on the VIII century this pilgrimage route has conected all Europe. It has been a comercial and spiritual route that brings Europe together. Here at the entrance of Puente de la Reina all the...
The camino virtual Tours
The Camino de Santiago is one of the most popular Christian pilgrimages in the world. As we are based here in the Camino, we are covering many of the most iconic cities in this spiritual path. We want to share with you all the videos we have done so far. We hope you...
Bells around the world
When we stroll through the old quarters of Europe, one of the most charming sounds that fills the air is the constant bell ringing. They give us the time as well and remind us to go to mass. We have seen bells in churches, and tend to think that they are just a...
The Community works toguether
Here in the Basque Country, the sense of community is very strong. We say we do things in the auzolan way. It doesn't have an exact translation, but it kind of means that everybody who can help in the community, does. We construct houses, clean the forest, fix the...
Our 5 favorite TAPAS bars in Pamplona
All around the world now it is fashionable to eat at tapas bars. Guess what!! It all started here in the Basque Country and Navarra. By the way, here we call them pintxos But, what is a tapa?A tapa in the rest of the world is a small bite. That is what it is, although...
Once you run with the bulls!
Running with the bulls in the city of Pamplona is one of those bucket list items that many people want to “tick” off. In a previous article I wrote about how to run with the bulls. But have you ever wondered what happens once the rush you get from running in front...
Saint Ignatius, the man who changed the world
Saint Ignatius is one of those historic characters who resonate with me, in a very personal way. I don't think he touches me simply because he is Basque like me, and I understand his heritage. He is not just Basque, he is a universal figure. Maybe it is because he...
Books to understand Spain
At the end of the 1800s, Spain lost all its remaining colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines). The dream of being an Empire ended, and Spain fell into a moral and economic depression. King Alfonso XIII pretended to be an absolutist monarch in a society that...
Spring in the Basque Country
Basque is a primitive culture that dates back to pre-Roman times. Set in the north west region of the Pyrenees mountains, this is an ancient culture that celebrates old rituals related to nature. One of these traditions is associated with the Joaldunaks - which...
Powerful Queens of Navarre: Trio of Queens
So, what happened to the Navarrese Monarchy after 1512? This was the year when the Chatholic Kings annexed Navarra to Spain, but only the part of the kingdom of Navarra in the south part of the Pyrenees. The Queens in navarra set their print in the world. Well, as...
Navarre is the region I call home. Situated on the western side of the Pyrenees, the mountain range that separates Spain from France, the Kingdom of Navarre has been a key player in the history of Spain since the Middle Ages. You have to understand that we controlled...
Navarre is the region I call home. Situated on the western side of the Pyrenees, the mountain range that separates Spain from France, the Kingdom of Navarre has been a key player in the history of Spain since the Middle Ages. You have to understand that we controlled...
Fashion on the change!
It seems that this pandemic has its days numbered, soon we will be back to normal, or at least back to a “new normal”. But what will this idea of a new normal look like? All along in history after a crisis of this magnitude, be it a world war or a global pandemic,...
Art on the change!
It seems that this pandemic has its days numbered, soon we will be back to normal, or at least back to a “new normal”. But what will this idea of a new normal look like? All along in history after a crisis of this magnitude, be it a world war or a global pandemic,...
Literature on the change!
It seems that this pandemic has its days numbered, soon we will be back to normal, or at least back to a “new normal”. But what will this idea of a new normal look like? All along in history after a crisis of this magnitude, be it a world war or a global pandemic,...
Just another Love Story
As far as I can remember, it was in the spring of 1986 when I fell in love for the very first time. I was 16 years old, and her name was Ma… well let's call her Kathy.She was the love of my life!Back then, I was going to an only boys’ Catholic school. I was a very...
La Perla Hotel. Home away from Home
Hotel La Perla is by far, the best hotel in Pamplona. If we talk about location, it is unbeatable. Located in Plaza del Castillo number 1, La Perla is at the heart of the city. If we talk about comfort, it touches perfection. It´s 44 rooms combine history and modern...
5 movies based on Hemingway´s books
One of America’s most prolific and celebrated writers to change the literary landscape is undeniably Ernest Hemingway. His roots in fictional writing were based on his strengths as a journalist—factually stated, to-the-point, and impactful words carefully crafted to...
Spanish driving license
2020 has been the strangest year ever. It started as any other year, but in March it all changed. In my family we have had more changes, in this case, driving changes. My 84-year-old father in law has returned his driving license, while my 18 years old daughter just...
Truffle, the black gold
If there is a mushroom that deserves to be in all history books, that should be the Truffle. We have records from the Mesopotamian Empire (3000 BCE) where the Sumerians would eat truffles. In Egypt, there are hieroglyphs talking about offering them to the Gods. Greeks...
Traveling in COVID times
I guess this COVID 19 issue is going to be around for a while, and we better get used to this “new normal”. To tell you the truth I don't like it. In fact, I hate it! Right now, we (tour guides) should be in our high season but unfortunately this year we are just...
Polvorón, a very Spanish Xmas Candy
It is Xmas time and all around the world we start looking in our grandma´s recipe book for the traditional and super loved family recipes. In Spain we cook POLVORON. The first time any one wrote about polvorón was on the XVI century, it was an inventory of...
Is it really looking a lot like Christmas?
Home is finally decoratedand looks like Christmas. The Nativity scene is in the middle of the living room, the tree cannot welcome any more ornaments and we even have some snow in the streets. As every year in December, the Advent calendar opens every single morning...
Olentzero, the Basque Santa
Olentzero Night in the Basque country - AITA (dad), WHERE IS MY BERET? - I don´t know, I left it on your bed along with your black shirt, the ship skin and your blue bandana. Lucas, you better find the beret fast, I am leaving in five minutes. Girls are you ready? -...
5 beauty products for a male traveler.
Let me make this clear, if you are a girl you should stop reading this article right now. This post is not for you, this is for the men in your life. Thanks for sharing with them. We are going to be talking about male beauty products. Hi guys, don´t you think it is...
Spanish educational system
Education in Spain has been a big thing for the last 40 years. By law, a kid has to attend school from the age of 6 until 16. By the time they have finished these mandatory 10 years, they are required to have attained a minimum level in Mathematics, World History and...
My mother and my grandmother were born in the village of Javier. Saint Francis´ birth place. Some time ago, I asked my mom to write about her love for Saint Francis Xavier. Here is what she handed me. I love it!! I spent all the summers of my childhood in Javier,...
Pamplona´s Cathedral
At the highest point in Pamplona (Spain), we find the magnificent city Cathedral, an amazing temple from the 15th Century, consecrated in honor of the Holy Mary. Her name is Santa María la Real (The Royal Holy Mary) The façade is probably not the most impressive part...
My Aunt was a Witch!
When we think about a witch, what normally comes to mind is an ugly, old woman with a wart on the tip of her nose, casting spells over a boiling pot. At least, this is the way Hollywood has portrayed them. It is 100% different from what we consider a witch in the...
The 5 best movies to understand Spain
Here you can find 5 movies that will help you understand Spanish history. I have organized them in historical order, rather than by date of release. Click on the links to watch the trailer or an excerpt from the movie.Movie #1 EL CIDIf anybody from Spain sees that I...
Democracy in Spain
The word democracy comes from the ancient Greek word demokratia, “demos” means people + “kratos” means rule. So, democracy means a government ruled by the people. Here in Spain, Democracy is a new word for us. We have only lived in a democracy since 1975. ...
The Roman Empire gave so much to Spain. Besides art, history and language, they brought the pleasure of wine-making. We have 96 different appellations of origin (in Spain, we say Denominación de Origen, or D.O.), and each one of them has its own personality. You find...
Pamplona´s town hall is the center point during the week of the running of the bulls. Everything starts here on July 6th at noon. About 12000 people gathers in the square to celebrate San Fermin. It is a moment of joy and party, unfortunatelly not too many people...
Home sweet home
In our culture, when you die, you leave everything to one child and by tradition, it’s the first born no matter if it is a girl or a boy who will inherit your possessions. The rest of the kids get nothing or as we say “you will not get the home, but you will get the...
Walking the CAMINO will change your life
What is the Camino de Santiago? Where does it start? Who was Santiago? What is the motivation to pilgrimage for over 600 miles? .... So many questions! I am going to tell what I have learned about it. I have walked it twice, and as soon as I can, I will go there...
Try to survive the running of the bulls
Ok let´s face it, when you think about Pamplona, the first thing that comes to mind is the non-stop party that we have between July 6th and July 14th, but your second thought should be, how on earth, you do the running of the bulls. I hope you don´t need any advice in...
COVID19 strange times
This COVID 19 has changed many things in the way we relate to people. It has created social distancing. Has made the world wear facemasks, now we don´t get to see facial expressions any more. I hate all of these things. I guess I am very Mediterranean, and I need...
Talking about Spanish Saints
We have been collaborating with Rick Steve’s on his radio show for the last 10 years. This time we are going to be talking about Spanish Saints. Link here to listen to the podcast. RICK STEVES RADIO SHOWSpanish religious historyTo understand Spain and our...
At Traveling Steps, we are traveling green
We’re doing our best to make Traveling Steps an environmentally friendly company. Let´s try traveling green! What will happen if pollution continue growing at this rate? The rubbish is already a tremendous problem for our planet. That’s why, at Traveling Steps we feel...
What is a Basque today?
At this point in my life and in the 21st century wondering what Basque is may seem strange, but I kind of have the need to go over my heritage. Specially if you understand that I was born in Navarra, the original birth land of the Basque culture. Being Basque, is...
Talo, the Basque bread for foodies
What comes to mind when you think of the Basque culture in Spain? Perhaps its famous locales like the cities of Bilbao or San Sebastián, mouth-watering pintxos (Basque-style tapas), the world-renown wine region La Rioja, or even the lively festival of San Fermín...